On the more revolutionary side of the binding spectrum, the Marker Duke PT 12 bindings are here to make waves and inspire a new generation to access some remote backcountry terrain. That said, they’re also perfect for resort skiing, plain and simple. Not many bindings out there can do both, and it all comes down to the removable toe piece that sets the Duke PT apart from the competition. Binding companies have set out on an ambitious quest to invent the one-binding quiver, and the Duke PT is about as close as we’ve gotten so far. Built much like a Griffon, with the same new heel piece and a similarly looking toe, the Duke PT 12 has a few tricks hidden up its sleeve. That toe piece is actually more of a toe cover that masks the Dynafit pin tech system underneath. For uphill touring, simply remove the toe cover and clip your pin boots in. You cannot tour in regular alpine boots with these bindings, so make sure you’ve got compatible stuff. Downhill, however, these bindings will accept any sole norm, so you can simply use them as regular alpine boots if you wish. This type of versatility in the binding world is rare, and the Marker Duke PT 12 has got it all. For intermediate and advanced skiers who are looking for a light binding for alpine and backcountry adventures, the Marker Duke PT 12 is your go-to one-binding quiver. 2023 Marker Duke PT 12 Bindings – 7550U1. Sorry, our items are NOT available for pick-up. No additional information at this time. You might also like. 2024 Armada Locator 112 Skis. 2024 Blizzard Hustle 11 Skis. 2024 Blizzard Hustle 9 Skis. 2024 Rossignol Sender 106 Ti Plus Skis.